best arcade racer ive played in years
what an absolutely fantastic game! this and more indie games like it lately are bringing back the sort of game design thats been largely missing for so many years - the sort of game design where games are just allowed to be games and exist solely for the sake of fun - and i couldnt be more grateful. take any arcade racers you love from the 80s/90s like top gear, outrun, cruisn usa, etc and throw em in a blender with some steroids and you get the beautiful creation that is horizon chase. and it stands toe-to-toe with any great arcade racer ever made and even surpasses most of them. not just a great iOS experience but a truly timeless and top-notch racer that would do well in any arcade or on any console - and i hear rumors of a console release and boy am i keeping my fingers crossed for that!
an absolute bargain at $3. flawless gameplay, beautiful art style and design, and a headphones-worthy soundtrack courtesy of arcade veteran barry leitch. GET THIS GAME!
lars b amble about
Horizon Chase